Monthly Archives: September 2012

Did you know these cool facts?


Tim Walton

Drinking wine with a high carb meal can lower the glycemic index of the meal by almost 40%.  It decreases the blood sugar spike and insulin surge after the meal.

Did you know that the SPF numbers on sunscreen/sunblock products only refers to the protection level from UVB rays, not the UVA rays that are responsible for aging skin?

The carotenoids in deep yellow-orange vegetables & fruits can increase the skin’s resistance to the sun’s damaging UV rays. 

Up to 80% of UV rays can make their way through clouds and still do skin damage.

It’s possible to replace the entire body of a healthy human every year with fresh cells as it replaces more than 1 million cells every second.

Lutein, an antioxidant in collards, spinach and similar greens, boosts skin hydration and elasticity.  According to research, there was a 38% increase in skin hydration with lutein supplementation.

People who listened to music while exercising did 2 times as well on verbal fluency tests as those who worked out in silence. 

74% of people claimed to manage their workload & stress better if they worked out before or during work hours.

12 is the number of grams of salt you could be consuming daily just from processed foods.