What Are ECG Electrodes and How to Use Them

An electrocardiogram, referred to as an ECG, is a relatively simple and quick test to check the heart. During this test, small, plastic patches called electrodes are attached to certain locations on the arms, chest, and legs. Lead wires connect the ECG machine to the electrodes. From these signals, the electrical activity of the heart is recorded, measured, evaluated, and printed out. An electrocardiogram does not send electrical current into the body. At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we offer an extensive array of ECG electrodes for use in conjunction with ECG machines.

Blood flowing through the heart occurs as a result of heart contractions. These contractions are coordinated by the natural electrical impulses that flow through the various parts of the heart. ECG machines record these electrical impulses as they travel from one part of the heart to another. Any changes in ECG results can indicate the presence of certain heart conditions.

How ECG Electrodes Are Used

An ECG machine uses lead cables and silver chloride electrodes that receive and send data. The electrodes are positioned firmly on the chest wall, its flat ventral surface. A proper reading and interpretation of the data can help cardiac professionals diagnose and monitor various heart conditions, such as cardiac ischemia and arrhythmias.

12-Lead ECG

Electrocardiography is the process of measuring and recording the heart’s electrical activity over a particular timeframe. Medical centers often use the 12-lead electrocardiogram to obtain accurate readings of heart activity. With the 12-Lead ECG, the cardiac professional must properly position and attach 10 ECG electrodes to the body. With proper placement of these electrodes, 12 perspectives are available that constitute the 12-lead electrocardiogram.

5- and 3-Lead ECGs

Most hospital and medical outpatient settings use the 12-lead ECG machine and method of checking heart activity. Other options do exist, however. ECG lead variations include the 3-lead ECG test which uses three electrodes and the 5-lead ECG test. Both are inferior to the 12-lead ECG. The 3-lead ECG machine can record and monitor the rhythm of the heart but does not produce much information about heart rate and other activity. The 5-lead ECG uses one precordial lead, and four limb leads.

For information about the ECG electrodes and other cardiology care products we offer, give us a call today at 800.433.7797 or use our contact form to leave us a message.