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Hello All!

Please note that at this time there isn't a written process for kitting, however, please find below a general explanation of the current procedure in place for kitting.

All custom kit projects begin the same: with a conversation. That conversation will almost always center around the customer’s desire to obtain and/or improve the design of an existing test kit. The sales representative would field the call from the potential client and begin the process of selecting what materials/products that will be used for the particular testing that their office/facility performs. Most offices utilize the OEM testing kits that are very expensive. Danlee creates "generic" testing kits that are a fraction of the OEM cost, as well as being fully customizable.

The majority of kitting questions come from cardiologists looking to obtain or replace their current test kit. Once the conversation is initiated the rep will guide them through the product selection process based on what machine(s) they will be using, like Holter and Event monitoring or stress testing. The type of testing will dictate the style of electrodes as well as the other items used in the procedure, like razors, prep scrubs, alcohol pads, etc. The products being selected as the contents of the test kit gives the representative an idea as to how they conduct their testing process, as well as, how other mitigating factors will/can affect the overall efficacy, like inventoried items needed for the testing procedure.

This conversation identifies the many caveats of not streamlining the testing process, the difficulties of maintaining inventory, as well as, the FDA and UDI compliance issues that can potentially arise when tracking recall and potentially harmful products and/or components

During the initial call the sales representative will ask probing questions to determine the key pain points for the client. This could be as simple as replacing a product with another, like a double-sided razor versus a single sided razor, or an electrode with a more/less aggressive adhesive to suite particular testing. The pain points identified can also illuminate bottlenecks and other flaws in their current process.

Selling points!

At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a dependable source for At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a deprce for At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a depend able sou Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a dependable source. At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a dependable source for At Danlee Medical Products.

Cost-saving kit solutions to fit nearly any budget

At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a dependable source for At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a deprce for At Danlee Medical Products.At Danlee Medical Products.

Fully Customizable

At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a dependable source for At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a deprce for At Danlee Medical Products.At Danlee Medical Products.

Eliminates the need to inventory

At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a dependable source for At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a deprce for At Danlee Medical Products.At Danlee Medical Products.

Eliminates the need to track FDA recalls & compliance issues

At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a dependable source for At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a deprce for At Danlee Medical Products.At Danlee Medical Products.

Eliminates the need for UDI compliance

At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a dependable source for At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a deprce for At Danlee Medical Products.At Danlee Medical Products.

Clients / customers:

At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a dependable source for At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a deprce for At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a depend able sou Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a dependable source. At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a dependable source for At Danlee Medical Products.


At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a dependable source for At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a deprce for At Danlee Medical Products.At Danlee Medical Products.

OEM Private labeling

At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a dependable source for At Danlee Medical Products, Inc., we have served as a deprce for At Danlee Medical Products.At Danlee Medical Products.