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Protecting Your Patients: Preventing Cross Contamination While Maintaining Dignity and Modesty

Man in hospital gown sitting on examination table, rear view

Danlee Medical is here to support healthcare providers/facilities to nurture a healthy provider/patient relationship that promotes trust.

An individual’s sense of self-worth and self-respect can comprise a host of mitigating factors, but in healthcare, patient dignity is focused explicitly on aspects of respect and respect of privacy.  For many patients, their experience in healthcare settings can be frightening, overwhelming and undignified.  Procedures and examinations time and again may consist of components that erode the dignity of patients.  The successful, modern-day healthcare provider understands the importance of protecting a patient’s sense of modesty and dignity while providing essential, life-saving care.

Many patients, past and present, are troubled about how most medical gowns do not protect their modesty, with some gowns opening in the back or are simply not big enough to accommodate certain people. Over the years the traditional hospital gown has been the butt of many a joke, however, patient dignity and modesty is no laughing matter.  At Danlee Medical we’ve literally got you covered with our comprehensive variety of competitively priced medical-grade disposable apparel.  Danlee Medical is here to support healthcare providers and facilities to nurture a healthy provider/patient relationship that promotes trust.  One of our top-selling competitively priced medical-grade disposables are our exam shorts.  An excellent choice as an alternative to the traditional hospital gown, intuitively designed, constructed of soft, pliable, latex-free, high tensile strength material with fluid and particle barriers built in.  These medical-grade disposable exam shorts come in either “boxer-short” style or “moon-short” style (colonoscopy/endoscopy) to better suit your practice’s needs.

Additionally, for healthcare providers accommodating patient dignity and modesty they are also preventing cross contamination.  Danlee Medical provides multiple varieties of hospital-grade exam table paper, disposable pillow cases, disposable drapes and sheets, disposable blood pressure cuff liners, to name a few; all constructed of the highest quality materials for added strength, durability, softness and for further protection against the spread of healthcare associated infections.  According to a study published in 2006 by The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America, reusable blood pressure cuffs have shown to be a major source of bacterial contamination and play a large role in the spread of healthcare associated infections in hospitals.  The highest contamination rates for reusable blood pressure cuffs with were found in ICUs (Intensive Care Units) and nurses’ carts.  Many commonly used disinfectants were shown to be ineffective in eliminating all microbial life, largely C. diff, which is known to be resistant to commonly used disinfectants.  By utilizing the Danlee Medical disposable blood pressure cuff liners you will effectively combat the spread of costly healthcare associated infections while continuing to promote patient confidence.

Do you feel like your specific practice’s discipline wasn’t included above?  Tired of trying to fit the proverbial square peg in a round hole?  Danlee Medical recognizes that the antiquated, traditional choices often fall short and is precisely why we “Make it Happen” with fully customizable medical-grade disposable apparel to genuinely match the needs of your specific discipline.  At Danlee Medical we place a high-level of emphasis on design expertise, the implementation of innovative technologies and processes, as well as comprehensive quality management; it’s our priority to partner with you to make your vision a reality.

In today’s more than competitive healthcare market, providers that are sensitive to patient modesty are in high demand, as patients often seek out healthcare providers that are perceptive and considerate to their needs; specifically a patient’s need for modesty and security.  At Danlee Medical Products we’re exceptionally proud to be at the forefront of this positive and all-inclusive effort, assuaging the fears and concerns of patients and provider alike, by providing our competitively priced line of medical-grade disposable products and apparel.

National CPR & Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Awareness Week


Did You Know? National CPR & Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Awareness Week is June 1st through June 7th, 2016. Sudden cardiac arrest and other life-threatening emergencies can happen anywhere, even in your workplace. Giving CPR and using an Automated External AED can greatly increase the victim’s chance of survival. AED devices are legally required in malls, airports, casinos, churches in addition to medical settings. It is imperative to ensure that the AED device in your facility is working properly and all of its accessories are fresh and ready to use. We can help to ensure that you are prepared for any emergency situation.

Danlee Medical Products, Inc. carries an extensive line of AED machines, parts and accessories including defibrillation pads and batteries. Give us a call today or visit our website and browse our selection. Be prepared when seconds count. #CPRsaveslives

5 Most Popular Disposable Paper Products of 2014!

Danlee Medical Product has been a medical supply provider for 20 years now and over that time Disposable Paper Products like Exam Shorts and Exam Table Paper have been a huge part of our business. Many of these products are made with pride here in the USA in Upstate New York!

On we are running a special this month that will save you 10% if you buy 4 cases of these products. At checkout simply use the code 01JAN2015 and watch the price drop! We only sell the highest quality products and all medical facilities need Disposable Paper Products. To begin shopping click here. Below is our list of top 5 most popular of these products, starting with #5 working our way up to the most popular.

#5 – Poly Perforated Exam Table Paper #72 or 73 – TAG72 or TAG73


Starting at only $48.39 for a case of 9 rolls!

VERY POPULAR! This product is used by a wide variety of general medical practitioners as in facilities that specialize in cardiology!

Securely bonded poly back resists soak-through for maximum protection for the patient & table. Versatile; can also be used for counter tops and scales.

To learn more about our exam table paper or order online, click here!

 #4 – Disposable Pillow Case #701 – 721 – PIA701 – 721

AVALON_PILLOW_CASE-1Starting at just $25.99 for a case of 100!

Danlee’s high absorbency disposable pillowcases keep your exam room pillows clean while offering exceptional patient comfort. These disposable pillowcases come in three different material types; tissue/poly blend, Ultracel and non-woven.

To learn more about our disposable pillow cases or to order online, click here!

 #3 – Colonoscopy/Endoscopy Shorts (Moon Shorts), H-MOON-50-S-L 

Made in the USA!!


#2 – Child Disposable Pants – HPANTCHILD

Made in the USA!!

DISPOSABLES_CHILDRENStarting at just $55.00 for a case of 50!

Disposable child pants/shirts are more cost effective than laundry service.

USA: Non-Polypropelene = color light blue, Latex Free, SMS Heavyweight barrier fabric is a unique trilaminate construction that    offers a high tensile strength & toughness for resistance to tears and punctures, while providing soft, breathable wearability.

For more info or to order online, click here!


#1 – BEST SELLER! Disposable Exam Shorts, Adult – HBOXERADULT

 Made in the USA!!


With our deal of the month focusing on disposable paper products, there’s no better time than now to order. At checkout at simply use the code 01JAN2015 and watch the price drop! Click here to begin shopping!

january dpp

Accurate Holter Monitoring & Effective Skin Prep

Johns Hopkins Medicine provides a good overview of Holter Moniroeing:

“The Holter monitor is a type of electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) used to monitor the ECG tracing continuously for a period of 24 hours or longer. A standard or “resting” ECG is one of the simplest and fastest procedures used to evaluate the heart. Electrodes (small, plastic patches) are placed at certain locations on the chest and abdomen. When the electrodes are connected to an ECG machine by lead wires, the electrical activity of the heart is measured, interpreted, and printed out for the doctor’s information and further interpretation.”

When conducting Holter Monitoring, it is important to prep the patient’s skin and then apply the proper electrodes. Not all electrodes are created equal. Electrodes that ensure excellent tracing and reliable adhesion during prolonged ECG recording procedures should be used. One such electrode is the SKINTACT #T-VO01 ECG Holter Electrode.


The off set design on the SKINTACT #T-VO01 ECG Holter Electrode reduces motion artifacts to a minimum. Microporous tape backing leaves no residue on skin or clothing. Lift tab on the side. In contrast to ECG electrodes with lift tab on the top, sweat cannot gather under the tab and get underneath SKINTACT T-VO01’s adhesive area. The lift tab on the side thus maintains the electrode’s secure adhesion.

SKINTACT T-VO01 is the ideal Holter ECG electrode. It can be used up to 72 hours. Patient comfort is guaranteed even over longer periods due to the thin and breathable microporous tape backing.

Although the adhesion and backing on this electrode goes a long way toward providing accurate readings, it will be all for naught if the electrode is placed directly on a hairy chest

without prepping the skin.

We offer some great skin prep products such as PrepTrode – Gentle Conductive Electrode Skin Preparation Spray.


  • Easy to use, eliminates painful scraping, harsh acetone, alcohol and abrasive skin preparations.
  • Improves conductivity.
  • Obtain a clearer, artifact-free signal with stable baseline.
  • For Stress, Holter, ECG and EEG.




Cardio Prep Sandpaper Skin Abrader w/ Adhesive Backing – CA2121

  • Improves trace quality.
  • Easy to use.
  • Perfect prep for diagnostic monitoring.
  • Cost effective.
  • Equivalent to GE P/N: 4828-005.
  • Used to prep the patient before placing electrodes onto the skin.


When Discussing Skin Irritation, There is A Lot to be Considered

Whether a patient has undergone a simple resting ECG or long term event monitoring which often lasts up to 30 days, patients share a similar complaint, skin irritation.  At one time or another  it seems every doctor’s office, scanning service, hospital and cardiologist has received the dreaded patient call claiming they are sporting a blister, raw red skin, or sores.  The question we need to ask ourselves is WHY patients being adversely affected, and WHAT can we do about it? 

In the past we have all found it easy to blame the electrode and assume that it is the electrode itself causing skin irritation, however we have learned that there are other factors to take into account and hopefully moving forward, these issues are given consideration.   Did you ever wonder why there are so many different types of electrodes?  There are literally hundreds on the market today and each possesses a diverse set of properties.  As we know every patient is different and some patients may have special needs.  Electrodes are designed for a specific purpose, to meet these special needs.  With that in mind what we could start asking ourselves is, was it our choice of electrode rather than the electrode itself that is responsible for our patients’ skin irritation.  

Below outlines some examples of patient/procedure types with skin characteristics that may prove challenging when it comes to ECG monitoring.

Also view a variety of Electrodes <Here>

Procedure Type

Suggested Requirements

Resting Procedures such as EKGs and echo tests
  • Milder prep
  • Less aggressive electrode


Ambulatory procedures such as Holter, stress, and event recording
  • More aggressive prep
  • More aggressive electrode



Patient Type

Suggested Requirements

Sensitive Skin

Elderly Patients

Pediatric Patients

Patients with Skin Allergies

  • Milder prep
  • Low chloride gel electrode
  • Breathable, less aggressive Electrode
  • Skin barrier between skin and electrode (optional)
  • Do not use adhesive tapes to secure lead wires, tapes can further aggravate the skin


Diaphoretic Patient

Active Patients prone to perspiration


Oily Skin

  • More aggressive prep
  • Higher chloride gel electrode
  • Additional electrode gel to help prevent slippage and fall off
  • Skin barrier between skin and electrode to prevent moisture passing between skin and electrode(optional)



A Potentially Beneficial Supplement for Older People

Tim Walton

As I‘ve said before, there is a lot of flim-flam and snake oil in the multi-billion dollar supplement industry. Granted, there is some quality stuff out there, but some others are questionable if not downright dangerous.  A segment that seems to be expanding is the area of supplements for older people/athletes.  We all age, after all. “ Testosterone Boosters”   for men is a HUGE goldmine as is “Joint Repair” supplements overall. I won’t go into those at this time except to say that, in my opinion, over the counter T-Boosters are for the most part B.S. and Joint Repairs, meh, some work, some work a little, and others are hype & placebo.

    But every once in awhile something comes along with seemingly solid science and research behind it that piques my interest.  A Myostatin Inhibitor has just come out on the market under the Name of “Myo-X” by MHP.  Myostatin is a naturally occurring regulatory protein that limits muscle growth in humans.  It’s a fact of nature that as we age, we lose muscle mass.  Now if a mystatin inhibitor is introduced to your system, that process could be slowed down/reversed/delayed.  There is a very good article concerning all of this in the November 2012 issue of Flex Magazine, pg 82.  (With a totally coincidental 3 page ad for Myo-X on pgs. 65,66,67) for a more in-depth explanation.  I know everyone and every company likes to jump on the “latest & greatest” wagon/money train, but this seems very promising to elderly people, people with situations that affect muscle mass such as Aids, and of course, athletes looking for that extra edge.  Call me skeptical, sometimes cynical when it comes to most things in the supplement world, but if this can back up the research and claims being made, it’d be a true breakthrough.  The science behind it makes perfect sense, it has gone through a clinical trial, so I am admitting to being curious and  game enough to give this a go and be a test subject to test its effectiveness.  As of today, I will try this out for the next 3 months and not alter anything else in my usual supplement routine so I can tell whether or not any changes made can be attributed to Myo-X.  I feel that I am pretty much immune to any placebo effects being that I am fairly suspicious/skeptical of most claims put out there.  I’m healthy as a horse (and almost as smart), have no physically limiting factors, over the age of 50, and am an experienced weight trainer.  That last part is VERY important because when you see a lot of the claims and studies done , companies will use untrained subjects who of course made the most gains of their lives after being introduced to a proper weight training/diet/supplementation program for the first time in their lives.  Should be interesting.

Did you know these cool facts?


Tim Walton

Drinking wine with a high carb meal can lower the glycemic index of the meal by almost 40%.  It decreases the blood sugar spike and insulin surge after the meal.

Did you know that the SPF numbers on sunscreen/sunblock products only refers to the protection level from UVB rays, not the UVA rays that are responsible for aging skin?

The carotenoids in deep yellow-orange vegetables & fruits can increase the skin’s resistance to the sun’s damaging UV rays. 

Up to 80% of UV rays can make their way through clouds and still do skin damage.

It’s possible to replace the entire body of a healthy human every year with fresh cells as it replaces more than 1 million cells every second.

Lutein, an antioxidant in collards, spinach and similar greens, boosts skin hydration and elasticity.  According to research, there was a 38% increase in skin hydration with lutein supplementation.

People who listened to music while exercising did 2 times as well on verbal fluency tests as those who worked out in silence. 

74% of people claimed to manage their workload & stress better if they worked out before or during work hours.

12 is the number of grams of salt you could be consuming daily just from processed foods.